ORA-24816: Expanded Non Long Bind Data Supplied After Actual Long Or Lob Column


ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:

 FAILED: file pqpzzcncprg00025.ldt on worker  X.
 FAILED: file jg12acp.ldt  on worker  Y.
ERROR - details (from US_jg12acp_ldt.log and US_pqpzzcncprg00025_ldt.log)

A database error occurred:

ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column


The value for environment variable NLS_LANG is different than the database character set(NLS_CHARACTERSET) when invoking FNDLOAD.

Please use the following command to verify the cause:
Environment setup:
$echo $NLS_LANG (Unix)

Database characterset:
Using sqlplus client query:



If the Patch is stopped please just change setup for environment variable NLS_LANG to proper value and restart adpatch (continue previous session).

For example:

If the database characterset is UTF8 set NLS_LANG to American_America.UTF8.

a. Execute 'export' as follows.

# export NLS_LANG=American_America.UTF8

b. Query value for NLS_LANG to verify it.

$echo $NLS_LANG (Unix)


If adpatch is still running but hanging due to failed workers:

1. Stop adpatch.

Please use adctrl utility to stop adpatch.

The best way to do this is to shut down the workers manually, which
also causes the AD utility to quit in an orderly fashion.

a. Select AD Controller(adctrl) Option 3 and enter all for the worker number. Each worker
stops once it completes or fails its current job.

b. Verify that no worker processes are running. Use a command similar to the one
in the following example. The command arguments may vary on different
$ ps -a | grep adworker

c. When all workers have shut down, the manager and the AD utility quits.

2. Change NLS_LANG setup.

export NLS_LANG=American_America.UTF8

3. Start adpatch again, continue previous session.

Check if AutoPatch is progressing, if not use adctrl utility, option 2 to restart failing worker.

4. How to avoid similar issue in the future.

Verify NLS_LANG setup in the Autoconfig Context file.

Edit the context file using Oracle Applications Manager(OAM) or Context Editor and find value for NLS_LANG:

If the database characterset is UTF8 it should be:

<NLS_LANG oa_var="s_tools_nlslang">American_America.UTF8</NLS_LANG>
<NLS_LANG oa_var="s_weboh_nlslang">American_America.UTF8</NLS_LANG>
<NLS_LANG oa_var="s_nlslang">American_America.UTF8</NLS_LANG>

If NLS_LANG parameters have different values than expected please apply corrections. Then execute Autoconfig and make sure it was successful.

5. Restart the patching

Source the env file and query:

$echo $NLS_LANG (Unix)

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