Provision an EBS Oracle Apps Instance on Oracle Cloud OCI
In this post I am going to share how to provision an EBS instance on OCI using a tool called as EBS Cloud Manager.
There are 2 methods in this
- One-Click Provisioning-Everything is on single Compute (ie Database & Application)
- Advanced Provisioning-Application on compute & database on DB System (PaaS)
Create an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute instance (VM) containing the Release 12.2.13 database and application tiers from one of the provided images:
- Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.13 Demo Install Image - The instance contains demonstration data and is suitable for conducting demonstrations and exploring new features.
- Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.13 Fresh Install Image - The instance can be configured with your own data and specific, functional setups so that you can test business processes tailored to your needs.
We are going to deploy a demo EBS 12.2.10 instance on single compute VM.
I have already having a compartment called as (funlab) created in my tenancy.
1) I am using my OCI free trail account.
2) Go to OCI Market Place (All Applications)
3) Search for Oracle E-Business Suite for Demos Install Image and Click the respective one required, I am picking 12.2.10 image.
Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.10
Oracle Database 19c
Oracle Linux 7
Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework V7
Oracle Database 19c
Oracle Linux 7
Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework V7
4) Select Check Box and make sure correct compartment is selected and Click on Launch Instance
5) It will take you to create Compute instance screen. Please provide all required information and click Create.
- Under Name, enter your choice of name.
- Under Create in compartment, verify your choice of compartment or select another.
- In the Placement region, select from the Availability domains shown.
- In the Image and Shape region:
- Under Image, you will see the name of the OCI Console Marketplace image you chose in Step 1.
- Under Shape, you will see a default shape. If you want to specify another shape, click on Change Shape.
- In the Networking region:
- Under Network, select an existing virtual cloud network, for example, my-vcn.
- Under Subnet, select an existing subnet, for example, my-subnet.
- Note: If the VM is associated with a public subnet and you want to assign a public IP address, then select the Assign a public IPV4 address option.
- In the Add SSH keys region, select Choose public key files to specify the file containing your SSH public key generated previously.
- In the Boot volume region, make no changes to accept the default volume size.
- Click Create to create your Compute Instance.
Go to network Security Rules and Add/Verify Ingress rule on port 22 for ssh connectivity.
7) Perform Post Steps to Complete the Setup
a) Switch from the opc user to the root user, and then perform an operating system update
$ sudo su -
# yum update
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
b) Enable Instance-Level Firewall Access to Port 8000
To Access the EBS applications, you must enable firewall access to port 8000 on your instance.
from root user run beow
# firewall-cmd --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
# systemctl restart firewalld
To confirm the change, use the following command:
# firewall-cmd --list-all
c) Update Hostname
Hostname must be updated to reflect the current VCN network configuration. As the root user, perform a required hostname update using the following command:
# /u01/install/scripts/
d) Enable and Change SYSADMIN Password
Login as opc and then switch to oracle user
$ sudo -i -u oracle
Start the database:
$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
Start the application tier processes: (It will run Auoconfig as well)
$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
Set the environment:
$ . /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run
To log in through the web interface, you must initially set a password of your choice for the SYSADMIN user. After the SYSADMIN user is active with the new password, you can create new users or activate existing locked users. To enable the SYSADMIN user, run the following commands:
$ mkdir -p ~/logs
$ cd ~/logs
$ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
e) Enable Vision Demo Users and Set User Passwords(I am not doing this as I will use SYSADMIN user only)
For a Vision demo environment, you can run another script to unlock a set of 36 application users that are typically used when demonstrating Oracle E-Business using the Vision database. Run this script with the same environment as when running the script. To enable the demo users, run the following commands:
$ cd ~/logs
$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
f) Enable HTTP Access
From the OCI console, add a security rule to the security list.
As our application would be running on 8000 port, Add that to security Ingress rule
g) Configure Web Entry Point (Optional)
As the oracle user, use the script provided in the /u01/install/scripts directory to change the webentry point, which is by default set to the physical hostname of the virtual machine. For instance, you could follow the steps in this example to set the webentry point to and access the application using
$ /u01/install/scripts/
Enter the Web Entry Protocol (Eg: https/http): http
Enter the Web Entry Host Name(Eg: public): myapps
Enter the Web Entry Domain Name:(Eg:
Enter the Web Entry Port:(Eg: 443/80): 8000
Enter the ORACLE_SID:(Eg: EBSDB): ebsdb
Running AutoConfig to complete the configuration
Enter the APPS user password: apps_password
h) Start/Stop Application Services
sudo su - oracle
$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/
Login URL:
Add entry in your client system for PUBLIC IP and HOSTNAME
i) Validate the EBS Environment
The forms will be by default set to JWS launch method
For Accessing weblogic Console
firewall-cmd --add-port=7001/tcp --permanent
# systemctl restart firewalld
Add Ingress Rule for 7001
Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Doc ID 2517025.1)
Provision a New Oracle E-Business Suite Installation on a Single Node on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Doc ID 2764690.1)
Thanks good info and it works. Cheers.
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