How to remove/mask the email address to avoid mails being sent to user from TEST/DEV Oracle Apps Instance


Whenever we are cloning EBS applications we might need to go ahead and might need to start the workflow notification mailer. But starting workflow mailer might cause sending mails to business user or end users which would be irrelevant to them and cause confusion.


As part for post cloning steps we should mask/remove email address for user. You can change scripts as per the needs

1) Connect as apps

Create table per_all_people_f_bakup as select * From per_all_people_f;

2) Connect as apps

Create table fnd_user_bakup as select * From fnd_user;

3) Now lets mask the email address

Connect as apps

Update per_all_people_f set email_Address='' where email_Address is not null;
Update fnd_user set email_Address='' where email_Address is not null ;


per_all_people_f and fnd_user join 

fnd_user ==> Employee_Id
Per_all_people_f ==> Person_id
Select * from per_all_people_f  papf , fnd_user fu11
where papf.person_id=fu11.employee_id

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