How to update OMS Server JAVA Heap Memory arguments using emctl command EM has introduced following new parameters which can be set as OMS Specific JAVA heap memory arguments.  These also apply to EM 13c.


Use the following command to set the value for any of the above properties:

OMS_HOME/bin/emctl set property -name <property_name> -value <number_followed_by_G_or_M>

For example:

OMS_HOME/bin/emctl set property –name OMS_PERMGEN_MAX –value 1024M

Restart of OMS is required after setting these properties.

Use the following command to get the property name:

OMS_HOME/bin/emctl get property -name <property_name>

Note: Values set using emctl command will override the values in the file.


emctl – Current Settings OMS_HEAP_MAX

[oracle@funebs122]$ emctl get property -name OMS_HEAP_MAX
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
SYSMAN password:
Value for property OMS_HEAP_MAX for oms local_oms is 1740M

emctl – Change the Values as required

The Memory will be resized to 2304M.

[oracle@funebs122]$ emctl set property -name OMS_HEAP_MAX -value 2304M
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
SYSMAN password:
Property OMS_HEAP_MAX for oms_Management_Service has been set to value 2304M
OMS restart is required to reflect the new property value

Restart your Oracle Management Server. 

[oracle@funebs122]$ [oms13cr1] emctl stop oms
[oracle@funebs122]$ [oms13cr1] emctl start oms

May be some time you need 

emctl stop oms -all

The new value is now active:

[oracle@funebs122]$ emctl get property -name OMS_HEAP_MAX
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1
Copyright (c) 1996, 2015 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
SYSMAN password:
Value for property OMS_HEAP_MAX for oms local_oms is 2304M

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