WSDL Generation Fails With The Error 'Service Provider Access resulted in exception 'oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException: SystemError: Error while sending message to server'


On R12.1.3, wsdl generation fails with the following error:

Service Provider Access resulted in exception 'oracle.apps.fnd.soa.util.SOAException: SystemError: Error while sending message to server. http://myhost.domain:<port>/webservices/SOAProvider/EbizAuth?Generate=1426&soa_ticket=Yjdhksgksdboq235zZr-NBQ..' when attempting to perform 'GENERATE'. Please view Service Provider logs for more details


 The environment variable s_soaprovider_user was not set to ASADMIN.


1. Login to (R) System Administration > OAM > AutoConfig, and select to edit the application context file.

2. Search for the environment variable s_soaprovider_user, and set it to ASADMIN.

3. Run Autoconfig.

4. Bounce the application services, and retest the issue.

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