How to find fragmentation in Tables and LOBs in Oracle Database

In the world of database management, performance optimization is paramount. As data grows, tables and Large Objects (LOBs) can become fragmented, leading to inefficient storage and reduced query performance. Oracle, one of the most popular relational database management systems, offers several tools and techniques to identify and address fragmentation issues. 

Fragmentation in a database occurs when data is not stored contiguously, resulting in scattered data blocks and unused space. This can lead to performance bottlenecks, as Oracle has to read multiple scattered blocks to retrieve a single row of data. Fragmentation is especially prevalent in tables and LOBs that experience frequent data modifications, such as insertions, updates, and deletions.

Various ways to find segment level fragmentation for different TABLE and LOB segment types for different segment space management methods.

Find if the tables are in MSSM or ASSM.

select tablespace_name, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT
  from dba_tablespaces;


------------------------------ ------------------------
SYSTEM                         MANUAL
SYSAUX                         AUTO  
TEMP                           MANUAL
USERS                          AUTO  

AUTO means ASSM is managing the tablespace
MANUAL means the tablespace is manually managed

The ASSM property can also be queried by table name.

SELECT segment_name table_name,segment_subtype
FROM dba_segments
where segment_type='TABLE';

Tables in MSSM (Manual Segment Space Management) tablespaces

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('<OWNER>','<TABLE NAME>');
select owner,table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||' kb' "TABLE SIZE",round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||' kb' "ACTUAL DATA" from dba_tables where table_name='<YOUR TABLES'S NAME>';

Tables in ASSM(Automatic Segment Space Management) tablespaces

set serveroutput on
v_unformatted_blocks number;
v_unformatted_bytes number;
v_fs1_blocks number;
v_fs1_bytes number;
v_fs2_blocks number;
v_fs2_bytes number;
v_fs3_blocks number;
v_fs3_bytes number;
v_fs4_blocks number;
v_fs4_bytes number;
v_full_blocks number;
v_full_bytes number;
dbms_space.space_usage ('<schema>', '<table name>', 'TABLE', v_unformatted_blocks,
v_unformatted_bytes, v_fs1_blocks, v_fs1_bytes, v_fs2_blocks, v_fs2_bytes,
v_fs3_blocks, v_fs3_bytes, v_fs4_blocks, v_fs4_bytes, v_full_blocks, v_full_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Unformatted Blocks = '||v_unformatted_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS1 Blocks = '||v_fs1_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS2 Blocks = '||v_fs2_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS3 Blocks = '||v_fs3_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS4 Blocks = '||v_fs4_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Full Blocks = '||v_full_blocks);
unformatted_blocks : Total number of blocks unformatted. unformatted blocks are blocks that are available for immediate use (below the true high water mark) but haven't yet had any data. when the table says I'm full, we pull a bunch of blocks down into the table from above the HWM and they would all be unformatted until you use them.
fs1_blocks : Number of blocks having at least 0 to 25% free space
fs2_blocks : Number of blocks having at least 25 to 50% free space
fs3_blocks : Number of blocks having at least 50 to 75% free space
fs4_blocks : Number of blocks having at least 75 to 100% free space
ful1_blocks : Total number of blocks full in the segment

Fragmentation is considered to be high if there are too many fs1, fs2 and fs3 blocks ( mostly fs1 and fs2 blocks) because these blocks might not allow inserts despite the free space and segment might need to extend when new inserts come in.
From a space-regain perspective, if there are too many fs3, fs4 blocks ( especially fs4 blocks ) and the possibility of future inserts is minimal, re-organizing the table will release lots of space.
Re-organizing the table compacts the blocks thereby increasing FULL blocks, reducing fs1, fs2,fs3 and fs4 blocks and thus reducing the total number of blocks.

To find fragmentation at partition level,

set serveroutput on
v_unformatted_blocks number;
v_unformatted_bytes number;
v_fs1_blocks number;
v_fs1_bytes number;
v_fs2_blocks number;
v_fs2_bytes number;
v_fs3_blocks number;
v_fs3_bytes number;
v_fs4_blocks number;
v_fs4_bytes number;
v_full_blocks number;
v_full_bytes number;
dbms_space.space_usage ('<schema>', '<table name>', 'TABLE PARTITION', v_unformatted_blocks,
v_unformatted_bytes, v_fs1_blocks, v_fs1_bytes, v_fs2_blocks, v_fs2_bytes,
v_fs3_blocks, v_fs3_bytes, v_fs4_blocks, v_fs4_bytes, v_full_blocks, v_full_bytes, <partition name>);
dbms_output.put_line('Unformatted Blocks = '||v_unformatted_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS1 Blocks = '||v_fs1_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS2 Blocks = '||v_fs2_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS3 Blocks = '||v_fs3_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS4 Blocks = '||v_fs4_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Full Blocks = '||v_full_blocks);

LOBs in MSSM(Manual Segment Space Management) tablespaces

The size of the LOB segment can be found by querying dba_segments, as follows:
select bytes from dba_segments where segment_name ='<lob segment name>' and owner ='<table owner>';

To get the details of the table to which this LOB segment belong to:

Check the space that is actually allocated to the LOB data :
select sum(dbms_lob.getlength (<lob column name>)) from <table_name>;

The difference between these two is free space and/or undo space. It is not possible to assess the actual empty space using the queries above alone, because of the UNDO segment size, which is virtually impossible to assess.

LOBs in ASSM (Automatic Segment Space Management) tablespaces

set serveroutput on
v_unformatted_blocks number;
v_unformatted_bytes number;
v_fs1_blocks number;
v_fs1_bytes number;
v_fs2_blocks number;
v_fs2_bytes number;
v_fs3_blocks number;
v_fs3_bytes number;
v_fs4_blocks number;
v_fs4_bytes number;
v_full_blocks number;
v_full_bytes number;
dbms_space.space_usage ('<owner>', '<lob segment name>', 'LOB', v_unformatted_blocks,
v_unformatted_bytes, v_fs1_blocks, v_fs1_bytes, v_fs2_blocks, v_fs2_bytes,
v_fs3_blocks, v_fs3_bytes, v_fs4_blocks, v_fs4_bytes, v_full_blocks, v_full_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Unformatted Blocks = '||v_unformatted_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS1 Blocks = '||v_fs1_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS2 Blocks = '||v_fs2_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS3 Blocks = '||v_fs3_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('FS4 Blocks = '||v_fs4_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Full Blocks = '||v_full_blocks);

Securefile LOBs

set serveroutput on
v_segment_size_blocks number;
v_segment_size_bytes number;
v_used_blocks number;
v_used_bytes number;
v_expired_blocks number;
v_expired_bytes number;
v_unexpired_blocks number;
v_unexpired_bytes number;
dbms_space.space_usage ('<owner>', '<securefile segment name>', 'LOB', v_segment_size_blocks, v_segment_size_bytes, v_used_blocks, v_used_bytes, v_expired_blocks, v_expired_bytes, v_unexpired_blocks, v_unexpired_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Segment size in blocks = '||v_segment_size_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Used Blocks = '||v_used_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Expired Blocks = '||v_expired_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Unxpired Blocks = '||v_unexpired_blocks);
segment_size_blocks : Number of blocks allocated to the segment
used_blocks : Number blocks allocated to the LOB that contains active data
expired_blocks : Number of expired blocks used by the LOB to keep version data
unexpired_blocks : Number of unexpired blocks used by the LOB to keep version data

Expired blocks and unexpired blocks contain UNDO data and will be reused.

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