The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files


While running Adop prepare phase, we are encountering below error.

[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files.
    [UNEXPECTED]Error occurred running "perl /u02/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/  -contextfile=/u02/apps/fs1/inst/apps/DEV_foaapps/appl/admin/DEV_foaapps.xml -patchctxfile=/u02/apps/fs2/inst/apps/DEV_foaapps/appl/admin/DEV_foaapps.xml -phase=prepare -logloc=/u02/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/82/20240408_144049/prepare/validate/test-19c-sep22 -promptmsg=hide"
    [UNEXPECTED]Error 1 occurred while Executing txkADOPValidation script on foaapps

Reason :

Query the below parameter in db context file.

grep -i s_patch_service entry $CONTEXT_FILE

Value not present.


select * from apps.FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES; --> this dont shows any database context file entry.

Soultion :

1. Ensure that the below parameters in the database context file are set to: $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre

“s_jretop , s_jdktop

Parameter “ADJVAPRG” needs to be set to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre/bin/java</ADJVAPRG>

2. Execute on the apps node.

3. Copy the generated to db node and unzip.

4. Execute autoconfig on the database tier.

5. Ensure s_patch_service entry exists in the db context file.

6. Re-test adop prepare phase.

7. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

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