How to Check the Usage of SGA in Oracle

Check the Usage of SGA

select round(used.bytes /1024/1024 ,2) used_mb
, round(free.bytes /1024/1024 ,2) free_mb
, round(tot.bytes /1024/1024 ,2) total_mb
from (select sum(bytes) bytes
from v$sgastat
where name != 'free memory') used
, (select sum(bytes) bytes
from v$sgastat
where name = 'free memory') free
, (select sum(bytes) bytes
from v$sgastat) tot ;

Find the Total Size of SGA

SELECT sum(value)/1024/1024 "TOTAL SGA (MB)" FROM v$sga;

Check size of different pool in SGA

Select POOL, Round(bytes/1024/1024,0) Free_Memory_In_MB From V$sgastat Where Name Like '%free memory%';

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