Understanding Temporary Tablespace Files in Oracle CDB and PDB Databases

In an Oracle Multitenant environment, managing temporary tablespaces across Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) is essential for optimal performance. This article provides insights into retrieving detailed information about temporary tablespace files for CDBs and PDBs.

Query 1: Fetching Temporary Tablespace File Details

The following query retrieves details about the temporary tablespace files, including the database name, file name, tablespace name, auto-extend status, maximum file size, and current size in megabytes:

COL db_name FOR a10 COL tablespace_name FOR a10 COL file_name FOR a25 SELECT vc2.name AS "db_name", tf.file_name, tf.tablespace_name, autoextensible, maxbytes / 1024 / 1024 AS "Max_MB", SUM(tf.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 AS "MB_SIZE" FROM v$containers vc2, cdb_temp_files tf WHERE vc2.con_id = tf.con_id GROUP BY vc2.name, tf.file_name, tf.tablespace_name, autoextensible,
maxbytes ORDER BY 1, 2;

Sample Output



  • db_name: Database container name (CDB$ROOT or PDBs).
  • FILE_NAME: Path of the temporary tablespace file.
  • TABLESPACE: Tablespace name (e.g., TEMP).
  • AUT: Indicates if the file is auto-extensible.
  • Max_MB: Maximum file size allowed in megabytes.
  • MB_SIZE: Current size of the file in megabytes.

Query 2: Aggregated Temporary Tablespace Size

To get a consolidated view of the maximum and current sizes of temporary tablespaces across all containers, use the following query:

COL name FOR a10 COL tablespace_name FOR a15 SELECT vc2.name, tf.tablespace_name, SUM(DECODE(autoextensible, 'NO', bytes, 'YES', maxbytes))
/1024/1024 AS "Max Bytes", SUM(tf.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 AS "Current Size" FROM v$containers vc2, cdb_temp_files tf WHERE vc2.con_id = tf.con_id GROUP BY vc2.name, tf.tablespace_name ORDER BY 1, 2;




  • NAME: Name of the container (CDB$ROOT or PDBs).
  • TABLESPACE_NAME: Temporary tablespace name.
  • Max Bytes: Aggregated maximum size in megabytes (includes auto-extend settings).
  • Current Size: Current size of the temporary tablespace files.

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